The following is a partial list of trademarks and service marks associated with the Stroom brand which is owned by Lamou LTD.
Unauthorized use of these marks is prohibited. If Lamou LTD grants authorization for your use of these marks in publications distributed solely within the United Kingdom, you must include the appropriate ™ or ® the symbol on at least the first use and any subsequent uses where the marks are prominently displayed. If you are publishing outside the United Kingdom, the use of the ™ symbol is acceptable. Additionally, instead of the trademark symbols, it is permissible to use the trademark legends as listed below:
If you use our logo, please indicate that it is copyright-protected. You can do this by either using the combination symbol ™ & © Lamou LTD or including the following copyright legend in addition to the trademark legend mentioned above: "Copyright [year of first publication] Lamou LTD. All rights reserved. Used with permission."
Please note that the absence of a product, service name or logo from the list below does not mean that we waive any trademark or other intellectual property rights related to that product, name or logo. If you come across a website or app that uses a Lamou LTD trademark inappropriately, please let us know by reporting it to [email protected].
The official Stroom logo
The official Stroom logo/name with the official Stroom slogan
The official Stroom logo/name